Tosin Oguntayo succeeds in the Court of Appeal

11 Dec 2012

Tosin Oguntayo successfully acted in a complex relocation case in the Court of Appeal. The court dealt with the issue of whether a 9 year old child should be joined as a party in the appeal, or whether her updated wishes and feelings should be sought and reported on by the CAFCASS High Court team.

Tosin acted for the applicant mother in the original PRFD proceedings before HHJ Cryan. After a 6 day trial the mother succeeded in her application for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction. The father appealed to the Court of Appeal, however the appeal was unanimously dismissed.

Tosin was instructed by J M Charles & Co.

To find out more, please refer to the judgment O (A Child) [2012] EWCA Civ 1576